Liên kết ngoài và tham khảo Legio_III_Cyrenaica

  • Richard Alston - "Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt: A social history", Routledge Press 1995.
  • Emil Ritterling - "Legio" article published in Realencyclopädie of Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft in 1925 Lưu trữ 2012-02-24 tại Wayback Machine
  • H. A. Sanders - JSTOR article written 1941)
  • John Paul Adams - (California State University, Northridge)
  • Adrian Goldsworthy - "The Complete Roman Army", Thames & Hudson 2003.
  • Jona Lendering -
  • Peter Connolly - "Greece and Rome at War", Greenhill Books 1981, 1998.
  • Phil Barker - "The Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome", Wargames Research Group Publications 1981.
  • Bishop & Coulston - "Roman Military Equipment", Oxbow Books 1993.
  • De Imperatoribus Romanis (On the Roman Emperors)

Osprey books:

  • Simkins / Embelton - The Roman Army from Caesar to Trajan (Men at Arms #46)
  • Cowan / McBride - Roman Legionary: 58 BC - AD 69 (Warrior #71)
  • Sumner - Roman Military Clothing 1,2,3 (Men at Arms #374, 390, 425)
  • Campbell / Hook - Siege Warfare in the Roman World (Elite #126)
  • Cowan / Hook - Roman Battle Tactics: 109 BC - AD 313 (Elite #155)
  • Gilliver / Goldsworthy / Whitby - Rome At War: Caesar and his Legacy (Essential Histories)